Today is Father's Day. I will spend it with my dad and about 100+
of my relatives. It is a family tradition, started before I was born ...
and I hope it will last long after I am gone. We have races for the
children, watermelon for all, and a baseball game where, to my knowledge, only
1 person has ever gotten out.
So, today's post is dedicated to fathers and sons ... to those who
stitch and those who merely support our habit.
When my son was very young, he had NO fine motor skills. A teacher
put scissors in his hand -- I gave him a needle and plastic canvas. To
this day, he hand sews his military badges on his uniform and looked at some
stuffed animal kits I was passing on recently and kept a few.
I remember when Rosie Grier, (now I am aging myself), announced that he
did needlepoint to relax. That is why I stitch ... why should I be
surprised when a man does so. If Rosie Grier can stitch so can you ... or
the men in your life and they can start as soon as they know that a needle is
not a weapon.
It doesn't have to be flowers ... check out our Canadian Aviation kits,
or surprise him with a firefighter's prayer or his military insignia ... and
give it to him undone. For little beginners, we even have a rocket ship,
a train, a boat, horses, dogs, and a dragon.
Happy Father's Day to all the men
who follow our blog. And, if your men don't, forward it to them.
Any man can be a father, but it takes someone very special to be a dad.
Help us help you keep the spirit
in your stitching!