Sunday, 7 July 2013

On the Road... Part 1

As I write this, I am preparing for a 2 week adventure to Antigonish, Nova Scotia.  I am home from a weekend at the Kincardine Highland Games and will be here just long enough to take a shower, do laundry, and leave again.  I have only once been to Halifax and that was the quickest 4 day conference … but, this is 2 weeks with my daughter, on a road trip from Toronto, through Quebec to the Maritimes and back. 

Originally this was to be a vendor at the Antigonish Highland Games, the largest in the country, but then it became an opportunity to visit museums, military bases, gift shops, and needlework stores along the way, to show them all of our new designs.  I have never ventured this far before, at least not by car.  I am so excited about seeing this part of our country. 

I am looking forward to spending this much time with my daughter.  We have only done something like this once before but that was a vacation.  This is business and we are on a tight schedule.  And, I am looking forward to meeting people across Canada.  We are a big country, held together by our people and places. 

It is my hope to further connect our country by sharing our designs … Textured Treasures’ Cape Breton Christmas, SaggiTaurus’ Anne of Green Gables and military line, and Great Bear’s fall fair projects.  We are rich in culture and our designs reflect that.  I am hoping that people across the country will be as excited as I am when they see our catalogue.

Hope you are planning a summer adventure as well.